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Please click on links below or scroll down.

Arts and Crafts Sewing 

Ballet Classes
Computer & Technology Classes for Kids

Cooking Classes for Kids

Foreign Language
Gymnastics Classes
Music Lessons
Nature Classes
Recreation & Sports


Arts and Crafts and Sewing 

Carrboro ArtsCenter
, painting, sculpting classes and more for kids and adults.  A wonderful haven for artists of all ages and levels.  The Arts Center also offers an AfterSchool Arts Immersion Program (offering transportation from six elementary schools and lots of fun), and an Arts-a-la-carte Summer Camp Program for Kids ages 5-13.  
300-G East Main St., Carrboro.
(919) 929-2787.

Cely's House offers creative arts After School Programs, Teacher Workday Camps, Pottery Hand-Building and Wheel Classes for Small Groups, spiritual workshops and retreats, birthday parties, Summer Camp classes, and more! 
(919) 929-3591.

One Saturday each month a Lowe's expert teaches a few simple skills and kids complete a seasonal craft.
Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse Store of Chapel Hill, 1801 Chapel Hill Blvd, Chapel Hill.
(919) 967-3289.
National chain offer
s craft supplies, classes, craft parties, and a weekly crafting club for kids on Saturday mornings.  See the Michael's Kids Club schedule for more information.  Located at New Hope Commons Shopping Center, 5422 New Hope Commons Drive, Durham 27707 (off 15-501).
(919) 490-4945
THE SCRAP EXCHANGE - Creative ReUse Center and Retail Store
Afternoon Arts/Open Studio in the Make-n-Take Room - Come by for an hour and a half of self-led creative fun. Use inspiring samples and reference books to free your creative spirit. Use any of the foam, fabric, and many more Scrap Supplies from the Make-n-Take Room. Tape, scissors and, staplers are available for your connecting needs.  Everything that you Make you get to Take! Call ahead to confirm availability. $5 for Each Person Creating.  Children under 18 must be supervised by an adult.  Also schedule hands-on creativity workshops for your summer camp or daycare; birthday parties available.  
923 Franklin Street, Durham NC 27701
(919) 688-6960.

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Ballet Classes 
Please click here (CHillKids guide to Kids' Recreation & Sports) for information about Ballet classes and other athletic classes.


Cooking Classes for Kids
Kid Chefs - C'est Si Bon Cooking SchoolCooking classes for kids and adults.
1002 Brace Lane, Chapel Hill, NC  27516.
(919) 942-6550.
Cooking With CLASS (Culinary Lessons at a Southern Season).  Cooking classes for kids and adults, many taught by well-known chefs and cookbook authors!
University Mall, Hwy 15-501 at Estes Drive, Chapel Hill, NC  27514.
To register or for more information visit or call (877) 929-7133.
Visit for information about kids' cooking classes and other fun activities.
301 Old Barn Lane, Chapel Hill, NC  27517. 

(919) 945-0640.

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Foreign Language Classes
C.H.I.C.L.E.  Chapel Hill Institute for Cultural and Language Education
105 E. Waver St., Suite G1, Carrboro
(919) 933-0398

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Gymnastics Classes 
Please click here (Kids' Recreation & Sports page) for information about Gymnastics classes and other athletic classes.


Music Lessons
Progressive Music Center (Durham, Raleigh, Wake Forest)
Offers lessons in drums/percussion, piano, guitar, brass/woodwind, and bass, as well as a student band jam; music recording techniques classes; summer music camp.
5207 Oak Park Road, Raleigh, NC 27612; additional NC locations in Durham and Wake Forest.
(919) 787-1688

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Nature Classes
Nature for Sprouts at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Duke University (Durham, NC)
Series of Spring-time nature workshops for pre-school children ages 3, 4, and 5 incorporate creative projects, walks in the Gardens, and stories to introduce young explorers to garden ecology and plant science. The spring theme is animals in the garden and the fall theme is plants in the garden. Topics: Pond Walk; Ants, Grasshoppers, and Other Crawly Creatures; Birds, Birds, Birds; Tree Homes.

Held at the Children's Classroom, Doris Duke Center in the Spring; Pre-registration required; registration fee $. Call (919) 668-1708 to pre-register.
(919) 668-1708.

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Recreation & Sports
Please see the CHillKids Guide to Kids' Recreation & Sports for a listing of area recreation and sports activities including Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Camps, Cheerleading, Clubs, Dance, Golf, Gymnastics & Cheerleading, Horseback Riding, Skating (Ice Skating & Roller Skating), Martial Arts, Mentoring, and more!



German Language Storytime at the Duke International House (Durham, NC)
For German speaking families and children, presents story times on the 3rd Saturday of the month at the Duke International House.  Please check their Calendar for the dates and themes.  From the website: "The "M?chenstunde", or storytime is really intended to be much more than that. In fact, we might just call it "Kinderstunde" from now on, unless any of you have any inspiring ideas (and we are very open to those!)
On many occasions we will simply pick a theme and work or rather play around that, incorporating stories, games, finger plays and songs where fitting. This allows for more of an open program, for young and older alike.  On other occasions, we will host programs in which the age factor may be more of a consideration (e.g. actual "Maerchen" require an older audience).  And of course we will have Kasperletheater for everyone!"

Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Duke University (Durham, NC)
The Sarah P. Duke Gardens offer a Nature Story Time for children ages 3-7 first Saturdays and third Thursdays in August and October 2012, 10:30-11:30 am, meeting at the Front Desk of the Doris Duke Center.  Plan to bring a picnic and go for a walk in the beautiful gardens while you are there!  (Children must be accompanied by adults.  No registration required for storytime, unless you are bringing a large group.)  For more info call (919) 668-1708.  


NC Botanical Gardens Garden Story Time
Totten Center, U.S. 15-501/N.C. 54 Bypass, Chapel Hill.  Garden Story Books at the Storyteller's Chair in the garden near the Paul Green Cabin of the North Carolina Botanical Gardens Thursdays, 10:00 - 10:45 am (May 3 - August 16), for preschool-aged children with an adult.  Listen to a story and then explore the garden together!  Call to RSVP (919) 962-0522.  Enjoy exploring in the garden after story time.


Story Time at Barnes & Noble, New Hope Commons, Durham
Saturdays at 11 am and Tuesdays at 10 am.
5400 New Hope Commons, Durham, NC 27707.
(919) 489-3012

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Sponsor Messages:

Carolina Renaissance Festival 2021
Saturdays & Sundays
Oct. 2 - Nov. 21, 2021


Morehead Planetarium
Morehead Planetarium
Afterschool, Birthday Parties,
Summer Science Camps,
Planetarium Shows and Events

The Animal Hospital
112 W Main St, Carrboro

1870 Farm
1870 Farm Chapel Hill logo
* Summer Camps
* Farm Preschool & Kindergarten
* Birthday Parties * Gemstone Mining
* Meet the Farm Animals
1870 Farm

Spence's Farm
Spence's Farm
After School, Summer Camps,
Birthday Parties, lots more!

Immersion Island Summer Camp
Foreign Language Resources
and Summer Camps
Immersion Island

Chill Kids Family Magazine
ChillKids Monthly Print Magazine

LOST Chapel Hill Dog BUTTONS Bernese Mountain Dog

Lost in Chapel Hill;
sighted numerous times
in Durham; Near Hwy 70
Please Call or Text Owner
If you see her please try to snap a photo!
BUTTONS Lost Dog - Please Look Out for Her & Call!
LOST DOG: Buttons of Chapel Hill
* 70 lb Bernese Mountain Dog "Buttons"
Black with white & brown markings
* Wearing Pink/Black collar with tags
*Friendly but nervous - please don't chase
*Info available on
*Seen in Chapel Hill AND Durham


DoorDash Chapel Hill Durham Restaurant Delivery
Chapel Hill / Durham / NC Triangle
Restaurants DELIVERY to Your Door
(No Delivery Fee on First Order)


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